AUGUST / 2024/ ISSUE #1
When it comes to perform a Reiki healing session to animals, the most common questions caregivers ask are: "how do I know they're receiving Reiki?", "how should my pet behave during a session?", " do I have to find a specific spot or keeping the animal confined in a specific place?", "how do I know if the session has been successful?".
Well,Reiki healing in animals doesn't always look as we would expect it to.
We think of healing as "getting better", “recovering” from a state of bad health, caused by sickness or an injury or something that has caused us mental or physical distress, back to good mental, physical and energetic health.
When it comes to animals, that is not that obvious anda change of mindset it’s needed to understand the dynamics of the animal during the Reiki Healing session.
How does it look like?
Reiki healing for animals doesn't always look like an animal getting better and it's not always so obvious that things are well.
Sometimes Animal Reiki healing looks like something as simple as an animal visibly relaxing, curling or stretching, staying in their favorite posture.
Sometimes it looks like an injury or distress is healed in only a few days after months of no progress.
Sometimes Animal Reiki healing looks like a flow of movements and relaxation.
There's no right or wrong, no standard behavior or signals to tell the session was successful, but if you learn how to pay attention to the nuances of animal behavior, you'll see the healing that Reiki brings.
The approach is key when working with animals and Reiki.
Always let the animal decided whether or not they participate, so allowed them to say “yes” or “no” to the session, as well as determining the way the session will unfold.
Either it’s an in-person or a distance session, most animals especially during the first session do prefer not to be touched so the approach is different from a standard human session.
As an animal reiki practitioner, I always follow the following guidelines.
Intent: always begin by asking permission of the animal directly, explaining that they’re in full control and that my intention is for the greatest good.
Touch: Always allow the animal to be the one to initiate physical contact.
Movement: Allow the animal to move freely in and out of the session space.
Focus: Animals appreciate a passive and open state of mind from you. What I do is relax and focus on gathering and releasing the energy, rather than on what needs to be healed.
Body Language: I don’t initiate and hold eye contact, don’t make myself “big” and dominant in my body position. I try to stay on the same physical level with the animal and remain in a non-threatening pose.
Expectations: I perform the session without expectations about how an animal should behave during the session. Since they usually do not behave like humans, lying down motionless for 60 minutes, the typical session consists of an ebb and flow of hands-on/short distance Reiki as well as short periods of movement and relaxation.
Gratitude: After the session is finished, I always thank the animal for participating.
Are you ready for a session?
body mind is ready to heal and experience growth.
If you feel so, here’s the direct link to book a Reiki healing
If you wish to donate a Reiki healing session as a gift, here’s the direct
link to a wide selection of gift cards: