Reiki is ideal for animals because it is gentle and non-invasive. The practice never harms an animal and doesn’t necessarily require physical contact. It addresses energy imbalances and can even occur from a distance.
Reiki at distance can be the optimal solution for very shy, introvert, scared or traumatised animals who fear intrusion in their personal save space.
Benefits for animals from Reiki therapy
Reiki offers benefits to both sick and well animals. It can:
- Strengthen the immune system before surgical treatment
- Speed healing after sickness or surgery
- Promote relaxation and reduce stress that causes behavioural problems
- Relieve pain
- Relieve aches and pains that frequently emerge as they age
- Provide comfort for terminally ill animals, as well as give solace to caregivers
- Enhance an animal’s overall well-being
- Increase the animal-caregiver bond
- Reduce the stress from newcomers in their family
- Facilitate the animal’s adoption process and setting in the new environment
Reiki is not a magical cure and is not an alternative to conventional veterinary care but it is a natural, calm therapy that promotes the body’s natural process of self-healing and is enjoyed by many animals.
While Reiki for animals is still quite a new thing, Reiki for humans already started to be noticed by the National healthcare systems and other healthcare organisations all over the world, adding another dimension to health and healing.
For example in UK there are almost 60 NHS hospitals offering Reiki and some with their own in-house Reiki Therapist, such as St George’s University Hospital in London and University Hospitals Sussex in Brighton (for more info
Nevertheless all over the world Veterinarians intrigued by the possibilities of pet Reiki are adding it as an adjunct therapy. Some veterinary clinics are already offering reiki as one of the treatments, such as Harbourview Animal Hospital in North Vancouver.
Used in conjunction with conventional medicine, it can result in a speedier recovery and saves owners considerable cost and anxiety.
Practical reasons for offering Reiki to animals
There are several good reasons for considering to offer Reiki to animals:
- It is non-invasive requiring nothing but a Reiki practitioner and her/ his hands
- It may be given anywhere at any time hands-on, hands-off or distantly in a vet practice, hospital, clinic, its ‘home’ environment or elsewhere
- It requires no equipment or technology
- There is no need to move or disrupt an animal. It can be given to them wherever they are
- It complements and supports conventional veterinary care
- The animal is in control at all times. Reiki cannot be forced upon an animal. They chose to take it for as long as they like and how they like
- It is relaxing, so may help pre-treatment and post-op
Are you ready for a session?
body mind is ready to heal and experience growth.
If you feel so, here’s the direct link to book a Reiki healing
If you wish to donate a Reiki healing session as a gift, here’s the direct
link to a wide selection of gift cards: