+852 98434175


hands and animals














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港幣 600 元/節



港幣 2,800 元/5 節



港幣 5,000 元/10 節



Thanks Paolo for a calming connection with Oreo

26 8 月, 2024

I am grateful for Paolo’s calming Reiki connection over distance with my kitten Oreo. It was my first time leaving him during my travels & I was worried how he will manage while I was away and may feel separation anxiety and stress. During my time away, Oreo stayed calm and didn’t wander off too far from the house in Goa. Being an adventurous cat, I was glad that he stayed in safe zones. Paolo also helped create communication between Oreo and my foster dog Wiggle. They are yet to become friends but they are definitely better behaved around each other. Overall I have come back to a more peaceful cohabitation between us all. Thanks Paolo! 🙂

Avatar for Shilpi

Cat relocation

19 4 月, 2024

Paolo came highly recommended. Knowing he is a cats lover helped. We talked about when to give distance healing as my cats were travelling from the Middle East to England via Cargo, a more than 24 hours journey with stop over. My cats are usually anxious even a trip to the vet but when I picked them up, they were just happy to see me. He also offered extra support to settle them in with no extra cost. Paolo is a sweetie and he really does care.

Avatar for Nora L
Nora L

Amazing & Amazing

23 1 月, 2024

My cat Olive (15 years old)was making a lot of noise (she is healthy) for many months which was not her normal behavior and I didn’t understand why, so I consulted Paolo and he gave Olive a distant Reiki session at my house in HK (with my absence). When I got home that day, to my very surprised Olive was acting calm and was making much less noise. A week later Olive received another Reiki session and once again she was much better than last time. Even though she still makes her noise but I have to say my cat is 95% better! Paolo said she is more balanced now and I also feel from her. I would highly recommend Paolo to anyone if you concern or want to improve the well being of your pets. He is very professional and has a big heart for all animals. Thank you Paolo!

Avatar for Kayin

Ringo felt energized from the very first session

21 1 月, 2024

We live in Paris .Ringo, my Shiba Inu of 3 yrs , was not feeling well. Paolo did a reiki on him from distance .. Ringo stayed calme during the entire therapy and I could see the difference in his behavior immediately after ..he was much calmer and he looked better !

Paolo did another one a few days later and Ringo is back to normal ( we did continue the medication the Vet prescribed ) .

I feel the therapy gave Ringo the energy to fight his ailment .

Thank you Paolo 💕

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Vandana A

Professionalism and Passion

21 1 月, 2024

Sono Nina e vivo in Italia con quattro Gatti (Pico, Lupo, Kali e Sita), ormai anziani, perciò gravati da patologie derivanti dall’età e tre Galline (Do Re Mi) che in inverno, complice il freddo, smettono di produrre uova.

Paolo, da qualche tempo ha iniziato a “curare” a distanza le problematiche di Pico, che soffriva di rinite acuta e per questo starnutiva continuamente, a tal punto che a volte non riuscì nemmeno a mangiare.

Col il primo trattamento sembrava essere peggiorato (ero stata avvisata) ma proseguendo è migliorato e ad oggi gli starnuti avvengono solo un paio di volte al giorno.

Lupo, soffriva da mesi, di una forte congiuntivite, nonostante colliri e pomate varie che avevo provato a mettergli negli occhi.

Ora è completamente guarito ed è migliorato pure l’umore perché non soffre come in passato.

Kali, faceva pipì fuori dalla cassetta, per manifestare un disagio, nonostante le coccole e il cibo preferito che le proponevo. Ho seguito indicazioni di Paolo ed ora è serena ed ha ripreso ad usare la cassetta.

Do Re e Mi, su mia richiesta, sono state “trattate” a distanza pure esse, hanno ripreso a far uova una o due al giorno e si sono rinvigorite.

Amo immensamente i miei Amici e vederli in salute e sereni, mi procura tanta gioia e gratitudine per colui che lo ha reso possibile.

From Italy

Nina and the Cats and the Chickens💙

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Nina B

Back to his usual self

18 1 月, 2024

I noticed that my cat ( 13years old ) who is usually Dalaï Lama like was becoming very aggressive with other cats when going outside in the garden and even with me. He was obviously stressed. I asked Paolo if he could help and he provided a virtual reiki session ( from Hong Kong to Saudi) The result was amazing : Poivre was back to his usual self in no time. Now instead of being aggressive, he is quite playful and cuddling. My favorite cat is back ! Thanks for that gift 🙏

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sandrine W